Tag Archives: Bluespace

Associations between nature and sleep

Leanne, Mat, Lewis and James, working with collaborators from Europe, the US and Australia, have used survey data from 18 countries to explore the roles of specific types of nature exposure, and potential underlying mechanisms, on nature-sleep associations. The paper was published in Environmental Research. Insufficient sleep has been described as a significant public health […]

New paper: Testing pathways between nature and health

Lewis and colleagues have published a new paper exploring the pathways between nature and health in Environment International. The team’s main aim was to investigate the relative importance of multiple mediating pathways (air quality, physical activity, social contact, subjective well-being) through which exposure to, and contact with, different types of natural environment may benefit self-reported […]

BlueHealth on the radio and new toolbox

Mat White and Jo Garret talked about the BlueHealth project on BBC Radio Four’s All in the Mind programme – you can listen to it on BBC Sounds (it starts at about 01:00) and here is the BBC’s description of the segment: Blue Health and well-being During lockdown many people have said how they value […]

New paper: can ecological restoration lead to ecological and social benefits?

A new paper from Siân de Bell and colleagues at the University of York suggests that improving the natural environment can enhance the benefits it provides for wellbeing. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the restoration of an urban river, the Medlock in Manchester, was successful in improving the environment and whether […]

New paper: Blue space, health and wellbeing and the role of different types of physical activity

Our colleague Tytti Pasanen from Tampere University in Finland, working with members of the Beyond Greenspace team, has published a new paper on the linkages between bluespace and health and wellbeing. The team also investigated the role that different types of physical activity may play in the relationships. Using data from the Health Survey for […]

New 3.5 year nature based solutions research post at ECEHH

We are recruiting for a 3.5 year full time post-doctoral researcher to work with Ben, Ruth, Tim, Conny and Becca at ECEHH on two H2020 funded green infrastructure and nature based solutions projects! This post will involve a variety of tasks including evidence mapping and synthesis, scoping and assessment of quantitative secondary data availability, application […]

New paper: Fostering human health through ocean sustainability in the 21st century

Mat, Lora and Mike, with Bruce Maycock of Curtin University, Australia, have called for an equivalent effort to the ‘Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC)’, to gather global evidence and to promote collaborative action on behalf of the global ocean and human health and wellbeing. The Perspectives paper in the British Ecological Society‘s journal People […]

Blue health job at ECEHH

The Horizons 2020 funded BlueHealth team are recruiting for a Postdoctoral Research Associate, fixed term full time post based in Truro, Cornwall until 30 June 2020. The BlueHealth project is concerned with improving our understanding of how interacting with the sea, coast and inland waters (lakes/rivers) can help promote public health (while recognising the many […]

New book: Blue Space, Health and Wellbeing

Members of the Beyond Greenspace team have contributed to a new book on the roles of bluespace in promoting health and wellbeing. The book is part of Routledge’s Geographies of Health Series. The Blue Space, Health and Wellbeing book considers the many relationships between water, health and wellbeing, with a particular focus on the aspects […]

Job opportunity: NIHR green and blue health interventions

There is a new opportunity for a research statistician with big data analysis skills to work on the NIHR funded green and blue health interventions study (the ‘GBS study’). The project is led by SAIL at Swansea University, and ECEHH, Cardiff University and the Global Institute of Health in Barcelona are collaborators. The post will […]